“What the heck are love blocks?”
Love blocks are the deep-seated, unconscious beliefs that develop from critical messages and painful experiences from our past. These hidden beliefs create massive internal resistance to actually being in the relationship you consciously want.
This internal resistance is much like having one foot on the gas, and the other on the break. No matter how much you press the gas pedal, your love blocks – pressed even more firmly on the brake – keep you stuck. You ain’t going nowhere!
Not being aware of these love blocks or how to dissolve them becomes like having a “blind spot” on your relationship road. You don’t see the warning signs and before you know it, you self-sabotage the relationship you really want.
When I discovered this internal conflict going on in almost every one of my clients, I knew there needed to be a system to identify, overcome, and ultimately dissolve these blocks, because they were the culprit in preventing so many wonderful love stories from taking fruition.
Here’s how you know if you have a love block:
When you’re making a genuine effort to try and find love, you’re staying open, you’re taking action, you’re putting yourself out there…
But there seems to be an unseen force keeping that dream from becoming a reality…
There’s a good chance you’ve got a love block secretly sabotaging you.
Love blocks are, at their most basic level, defense mechanisms your brain creates, that try to protect you from future pain it believes you’ll encounter.
These hidden beliefs are such powerful defenses, they can actually work against your desires and goals.
Love blocks are born out of painful events in your past, like a grueling break-up, a divorce, betrayal, or an abusive relationship. The pain from these traumatic events imprints upon our subconscious mind and creates a limiting belief.
For example, you might have fears of:
- Being abandoned by someone you love
- Being judged by others
- Being unworthy of love
- Being betrayed or taken advantage of, by someone you trusted
- Feeling flawed and being rejected by the one you love mostBetty was in a pattern of self-sabotage, and never even knew it!
In an effort to “protect” herself from the pain of inevitable rejection, Betty only attracted men she didn’t like or men who were unavailable; therefore never giving herself a real chance to be in a truly intimate relationship.Essentially she was trading love for safety. And for many years it hindered her from having what she wanted the most in life – a husband, a child, a stable family.She was stuck.She didn’t see this pattern, never realized that her love block had it’s foot planted firmly on the relationship brakes…Until Betty discovered this proven system, identified her love blocks, and dissolved them away… Now, Betty is married to the man of her dreams, enjoying the relationship she’s always wanted.
She feels joyful, fulfilled, at peace – and knows deep down she’s worthy and deserving of her amazing relationship.
This process not only has worked for Betty, but it’s worked for hundreds of women around the world. And it can work for you too!
Betty was in a pattern of self-sabotage, and never even knew it!
In an effort to “protect” herself from the pain of inevitable rejection, Betty only attracted men she didn’t like or men who were unavailable; therefore never giving herself a real chance to be in a truly intimate relationship.
Essentially she was trading love for safety. And for many years it hindered her from having what she wanted the most in life – a husband, a child, a stable family.
She was stuck.
She didn’t see this pattern, never realized that her love block had it’s foot planted firmly on the relationship brakes…
Until Betty discovered this proven system, identified her love blocks, and dissolved them away…
Now, Betty is married to the man of her dreams, enjoying the relationship she’s always wanted.
She feels joyful, fulfilled, at peace – and knows deep down she’s worthy and deserving of her amazing relationship.
This process not only has worked for Betty, but it’s worked for hundreds of women around the world. And it can work for you too!
- Here’s what we’ll cover each week…
Lesson 1: Fire
In the first masterclass you’ll learn the 10 most common hidden love blocks; the self-sabotaging defenses (behaviors and thoughts) that STOP you from attracting the love you want. In this week’s lesson, you’ll receive a specific process for identifying your own love blocks, and begin the process of releasing them.Air
Lesson 2: Air
Next, we consider the omnipresent quality of air and how vibration works. You’ll learn why like attracts like, what’s necessary to dissolve the love blocks, and how to create new subconscious beliefs to attract the love you most desire. You’ll receive an activation meditation for repatterning these limiting beliefs so that your love life can reach new heights.Water
Lesson 3: Water
The next lesson unlocks the cleansing power of Forgiveness. You’ll learn a new way to think about forgiveness and be given three simple steps that will heal your heart from the past, and wash away all of the burden of mistakes, bad memories, and resentment. You’ll feel restored, lighter, and feel more at peace than you have in years.Earth
Lesson 4: Earth
This masterclass activates the nourishing properties of Self-love– the seed for receiving great love. Perceptions of luck and chance melt away to reveal your own self-chosen destiny. Once you change your vibration and discover your self-worth, you feel it internally and emanate it outwardly. You will be in a vibration of love and acceptance– the harmonious energies that high quality men are attracted to.Spirit
Lesson 5: Spirit
Lastly, we finish the course by discussing the element of Spirit, and how to develop and access your intuition to lead you to the life that you love. Connecting yourself to Spirit frees you from the shackles of self-doubt. You’ll learn how to trust yourself and you’ll feel a renewed inner-confidence and certainty for the direction of your love life. - Imagine deciding that you and your love life are worth it. Imagine pouring yourself into this process, really committing to breaking free and coming out the other side.
Here is what you’ll experience:You’ll feel so much confidence that it actually becomes radiance – and men will instantly feel attracted to you!
Peace of mind and being at peace with yourself
Knowing and owning your worthiness
A feeling of lightness and enjoying more fun in your life
Release from the heavy burden of past relationships
Enjoyment in the dating process…maybe even having FUN!
A deep feeling of control such that things start “flowing” for you – the Universe helps you find what you want
Calm and collected, so that it’s EASY to meet new guys and better quality guys that you like
Trust in yourself to choose the right person for you, and fearlessly letting the relationship progress into true, deep, connected love.
Breaking free from the energetic constraints of your love blocks not only create these feelings of confidence, peace, and trust, but also enrich your relationships, because you feel safe to be authentic, vulnerable, and able to fearlessly connect with others.
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