Brent: All right, so now we’re going to go deeper, and we’re going to focus in on the mental and emotional blocks that are in the way of financial success. We’re going to start out by going over the five core beliefs that most people have, that are in the way of them making money, keeping money, or even involved in spending their money. I’m going to go over four of them, and I’m saving the last one because it’s the most damaging, and also the most common. I’ll be going over that one at the end.
Brent: First, I’m going to give you a really quick little overview of my matrix that I use, that’s at the core of my work. Essentially you have three ego states that you move into. You move into like a little bitty child place, a wounded child place, or you might move into a teen place, which is like a puffed up version of yourself. There’s also this adult place. I’m going to go over these five core beliefs, and I’m going to show you how they fit into the matrix in a very loose way. But, there will be more information on that to come.
Brent: Number one, the number one belief is, rich people are assholes. This is a very common belief, and it’s very popular in the culture right now as well. This is a very triggered response, and it is a teen. Remember, I was talking about the teen being all puffed up? This is a teen response. Essentially, this is a better than. I would call this kind of a thought or belief a better than. Rich people are assholes means, I am better than them. It’s a more comfortable position to be in, but it’s in the way of you actually earning money, spending it, and keeping it.
Brent: The second one is, money is evil. Money itself is inherently evil. We have number one and number two, money is evil. This is also a teen thing, and it’s a closed presentation. It’s your teen taking over, telling you that money is evil, and it’s a way to close you up and protect you from money. But, it’s an over protection. It’s an over containment, and it’s in the way.
Brent: The third one, is there isn’t enough. Number three, there is not enough money. This is completely false. There’s a ton of money that’s being printed every single day, every minute of every day, it’s being printed. There’s plenty of money. This is more of a child thought, there isn’t enough money. It’s got like a scared feel, a little kid feel. This is a child thing, and this correlates to being exposed. Essentially, this is like over containing you, money is evil, get away from it. This is, there’s not enough, and it’s scary and exposed. These are actually working together for most people, but this is a separate belief, and it belongs to your child.
Brent: The fourth one is, I have to work harder to make more money. The reality is, is that you don’t necessarily have to work harder. You do have to know the best ways of working, and that’s also where Ian comes in with his more systemized way of looking at money. This thought, I have to work harder to make more money, is actually a little bit like a task master thought, right? This is your teen and it’s like, you have to work harder, and it’s the only way that you’re going to make more money, or you’re going to have enough money, or whatever you want to put there. But, essentially this is a teen oriented thing, and it correlates with this idea of being perfect. It’s kind of like a perfect standard of, the only way that I’m going to make more money or do better with money, is that I have to make more of it, and I have to work harder in order to do that. It’s a very kind of polar way of thinking.
Brent: Again, this is an inordinate, or unreachable standard. This is about trying to be perfect. You want to move over to being more realistic about it. It’s one of the reasons you want to get rid of this core belief around money.
Brent: Then the fifth one, the one that is the most damaging for people is simply, I don’t deserve it. I don’t deserve it. That is a less than. Notice this one up here, rich people are assholes. That’s a better than. This one is a less than. It’s a little child response. It’s a kid thing, it’s a little kid thing, it’s a wounded child thing, of I don’t deserve the money. I see that in clients, whether they have a ton of money, and they’ve made a bunch. They have a lot of dark feelings about it, they’re very kind of wounded around it. They can be just as exposed, so having a bunch of money but not thinking that you deserve it. It’s very debilitating for people, and it stands in the way.
Brent: If you don’t have any money yet, or you’re working to get some, it’s going to be very hard to do that if you don’t think that you deserve it. Everything within you is resonating at a level of, I don’t, this doesn’t belong to me, and I don’t deserve it. You’re going to naturally repel it in that way too. You’re also going to miss opportunities to make money, and see things more clearly.
Brent: One of the things with, I don’t deserve money, is that even if you make a bunch of it, you’re going to try to get rid of it as soon as possible. You’re going to literally self sabotage yourself to get rid of it. But, it happens in kind of sneaky ways. It’s like, “Oh, I made a bunch of money, we’re going to go to Vegas and I’m going to blow $30,000. Well, I’m just celebrating making a bunch of money.” The reality is, what is occurring is I don’t deserve it, and you’re trying to get rid of it. You need to put that money back into your business, or into your pocket. I’m not saying you shouldn’t have fun, but if it’s an automatic reaction response, like you just go spend a bunch of money every time you get some money, you probably have this going on.
Brent: These are very polar and occluded ways of viewing money. The idea is that you get rid of these, and you can expand, and expand your understanding of money, and get out of your own way by removing these mental and emotional blocks to add to your financial success. Whatever that means to you, whether it’s starting a business, whether it’s saving, whether it’s making enough to retire early and quit your job at 30 years old. Whatever it is, these things have got to go.
Ian: Okay, so you’ve learned about the three types of money, you’ve learned about the five core beliefs, and I just want to sort of briefly talk about my own story in working with these beliefs. I personally worked with Brent for a year before we did anything business together. Basically, I worked with him, and one of the things we worked on was money. It made a huge difference in my life, and what I realized, and why we’re creating this product, and why I think it’s different than … I genuinely believe it’s different than any other sort of money product online, is because it’s going to the root of where your issues are coming from.
Ian: I had read, I mean I’ve literally read over 100 books on personal finance. I used to teach stuff on how to improve your credit score space, and I’ve read a bunch of these books. But, the thing is, I’ve seen people over and over again, none of it sticks because their beliefs about money are holding them back, and blocking them. It doesn’t really matter what you do, if you keep doing these different things, and learning these different concepts. If you have something at sort of the core of your programming that is blocked around money, you’re just not going to have more money in your life. That includes a lot of my friends, and clients who are business owners, who make a lot of money. They don’t keep it, because they don’t feel like they deserve it, they don’t feel worthy of it. Then there are people who start to make money and they go, “Ooh, rich people are assholes. I don’t want to become one of them,” so they back off, or whatever it is.
Ian: That’s why this is so important, is we get to go to the root of what’s going on, and actually change you sort of at a more cellular level almost, so that you can actually have more money in your life. It’s the same with the three types of money that I teach people. They work really well, and this work is just going to amplify how that affects your life. I just wanted to kind of give you how it’s affected my life, and how I’ve seen it affect people who have done work with Brent and I in Lion Heart, and how they suddenly start earning more, keeping more, they don’t go waste a bunch of money on something random just ’cause they feel bad about it. It’s really powerful, and we want to make sure that you have a way to now, now you understand what these beliefs are. We want to give you a way to actually go through, and give you a how to change these beliefs so that you can actually stop having these things block you on such a deep level.
Brent: Then, it has an effortless feel and quality to it. Essentially instead of it being something that you’re trying to do, it’s something that actually just kind of becomes, that’s what is. If you make a change down here at a deeper level, things are a little bit more seamless. You have all the information, you have to knowledge. You’re going to have Ian’s system that he utilizes to actually make those changes in a practical sense, like a daily sense. That coupled with making changes down here, makes it very seamless and effortless.
Ian: Yeah, and just from my own personal story. Over that year that I started working with Brent, I tripled my income. We didn’t even go that specifically into this money stuff. But, when you change your relationship to yourself, especially directly related to money, more stuff just happens. You just have … Part of it is seeing opportunities, part of it is even if you have a job, or you work a traditional nine to five, people are going to relate to you differently, and they want to pay you more, and they want you to take a more responsibility in your positions, or whatever it is. Or, if you’re trying to start something on the side, it’s so much easier when you don’t have all these blocks going on to create a new business.
Ian: Whatever it is that you’re … Wherever you’re at, like I said at the very beginning. Whether you make $1,000 a month, or $100,000 a month. If you can go in and actually change these beliefs within yourself, it’s incredible what it’ll do to remove these blocks. The only way I know how to do it, is through Brent’s system, which is what we’re going to give you as well as, my system of the three types of money, and how to actually apply that to your life on a daily basis.
Ian: Right now all you gotta do, click this button below, and you can get the Money Matrix System right now. We’ll send it to you digitally, you’re good to go. The price is down below, and just a little context for you, if you wanted to work with us personally and go through this one on one. Working with Brent is $45,000 a year, and there’s a pretty big wait list right now to do that. For me, when I do consulting, it’s $2,000 an hour. But, I mainly work on growing my own businesses at this point. You’d have to pay basically a lot of money just to get insight into this with us. That’s not me just saying that, that’s what we actually charge, and what we do. We’re not charging you thousands of dollars, we’re not even charging you hundreds of dollars. Right now, you can see how little this investment is, and it might actually be the best investment you make because, imagine just getting rid of one of those blocks, what that could mean for you.
Brent: It changes your whole resonance. The thing is, is these blocks are actually creating like an actual block within you. You’re not attracting even certain things, ’cause you’re not resonating at that level. It’s a different way to kind of frame it and talk about it, but that’s kind of what I mean by this effortless quality that occurs. Is that, you then are vibrating at a different level because you’re in those adult states. Those states feel different. There’s an adult state that feels very safe. Anything that’s in the teen column feels all on edge, and tight. Anything in the child area is very out of control, and whatever happens, happens.
Brent: Those three different types of viewing kind of what I’m saying is, those three different things resonate at different levels. And so, you will attract different things. I don’t mean it in like the cheesy like, “Oh, you’re going to attract the secret.” But, I’m just saying, you’re going to be more available, and you’re going to recognize opportunities, and you’re going to feel different to those people around you that have the money that you want, basically.
Ian: There is some attraction that goes on for money, and things that you desire. But, it comes from doing as well.
Brent: Right.
Ian: When you’re in a functional adult space, you can actually do the things that will earn you more money, or allow you to keep the money you’re already earning. Whatever it is that you actually work on will change the way not only that you perceive money, but how other people perceive you, and how much they want to give you money. Wherever you’re at in your life, I urge you to at least give this a shot, try it out, see the changes, and feel the changes that happen to you when you go through it. We’ll see you on the other side, so just click below.
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