Greg Capra – Sentiment Internal Indicators. Winning Swing & Position Trading – Pristine
Run time: 90 min. Sentiment Internal Indicators: WinningSwing & Position Trading will set you apart from thosethat are lost in the day-to-day news coming from the talking headsto make their swing and investment time decisions. If you want tolearn what hedge funds, mutual funds and other big money intuitionsare using for their market timing decisions these are the DVDs thatwill show you. In these DVDs, you will learn what breadth andsentiment indicators to use, how to construct them and put themtogether for a market timing method you will not learn anywhereelse. Don t pass up this opportunity to put together the samemethod of recognizing market turning points that Greg hasdemonstrated over the years in his globally and widely followedChart of the Week.
Greg Capra is president and CEO of Pristine Capital Holdings, Inc., the nation’s leading educational service for self-directed traders. He has 15 years of experience as a day trader and swing trader.
Many years ago, Capra realized how to collect valuable intra-day information from stock quotes and store them into an orderly computerized system. He utilized a program called SuperTic to track
and evaluate this information, which led him to his pursuit of intra- day trading tactics.
In those days, free online stock charts and quotes were not widely available, and institutional traders had a great advantage over the individual trader. Today, the playing field is more level. Capra saw
an opportunity to build an educational and research firm for selfdirected, independent traders. This meant that ordinary people could now possess a sophisticated level of research on par with institutional traders and hedge funds.
Capra developed The Pristine Swing Trader, an advisory newsletter with over 60,000 subscribers, and is co-author of the book, Tools and Tactics for the Master Day Trader (McGraw-Hill, 2000). was founded in 1994 and combines publication-based education with seminars and education services aimed at helping traders gain an intuitive understanding of the markets. Over 400 seminars are conducted each year around the world.
Before founding Pristine, Capra spent 15 years running his own business. Since founding, his desire has been to educate the individual investor in quantitative analysis of market movements.
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