Home Chiropractic DVD + Handbook
Welcome to the easy to learn, complete home chiropractic course made special for you and your family.
Dear People,
The expense of all types of health care in this country is nuts. This is the reason we are presenting home chiropractic to you, so you and your family can at least save on the rediculous costs of professional chiropractic care.
Think of this: you won’t always have to pay chiropractors thru the nose if you don’t want to.
Dr. Holmquist always said:
“People get a medicine cabinet in their home whether they ask for it or not, but wouldn’t it be nice if every home also came with a simple chiropractic table that folds out of the wall because everyone would develop a natural feeling of how to align the spine and it would be of much greater benefit than a pill cabinet.”
Home Chiropractic Handbook & Video / DVD
Maverick chiropractor Dr. Holmquist says, “most modern chiropractors are running a racket of endless treatments.” This is why Home Chiropractic can save your family thousands of dollars.
The only course showing the family how to apply chiropractic in your home. With Dr. Holmquist’s 194 page book and coordinated 100 minute Video / DVD you’ll see how easy Home Chiropractic can be.
Experience the benefit of Chiropractic simply explained and fully illustrated in the Home Chiropractic Handbook. It is comprehensive yet clearly written in plain language and completely coordinated with the Video / DVD making it easy to follow.
Dr. Holmquist who is the 4th chiropractor in his family teaches you step by step so you can give chiropractic adjustments to your family. In addition self adjusting is demonstrated in the video / DVD for the single person.
You will find the production and filming of Home Chiropractic to be high quality. After selling Home Chiropractic in every state and 42 countries since 1985 we have thousands of testimonials and feel you’ll want to have this knowledge available in your home or return It and we’ll refund your money.
Although you don’t necessarily need a table to do Home Chiropractic, we show you how to build and upholster an adjusting table in chapter 6. You may wish to save time and let us provide you with one.(click here) Our chiropractic adjusting table represents fine carpentry and upholstry craftsmanship with the combination of wood and fabric for a warm feeling you’ll enjoy for many years to come. We have only 1 table left, so if you’re thinking of getting one, order it now!.
There are five healthy life images by Dr. Holmquist with easy to use information that complements our home chiropractic course. The knowledge on these healthy life images will be so valuable to you and your family in attaining and maintaining health, we highly recommend you obtain them.
Most important we want you to know we offer all of this in a straightforward way with no gimmicks, gigits, or bullshit. Home Chiropractic is the best way to eliminate a lot of health care expense. Sharing knowledge is our all American way of life – so we believe you will be happy to have this in your home.
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