Instant Joint Venture Success System
From Chris Rempel
I hate calling people. I hate “selling” stuff. And more than anything, I hate doing lots of work for nothing – or even just “average” results…
I like creating systems of doing things so that I can accomplish a whole heck of a lot without really “working” that much.
And so, over the last two and a half years – and after much trial, error, frustration and determiniation – I’ve finally developed a system of creating JV’s that bypasses the usual skepticism from potetential JV partners and easily creates cash-generating Joint Venture deals like clockwork…
…without hardly lifting a finger – but only if you follow a very precise process.
(No, it’s not the “only way”, but to put it lightly, you’ll be wasting your time trying to set up JV’s if you don’t use this system. Before I used this strategy, I would literally get so discouraged from the complete LACK of response from my proposals that it drove me to tears – and those strong emotions are what actually “fueled the fire” for me to develop this system…)
In fact…
In the last two years, I have personally used this system to do the following:
- Create over 45 partnerships, cross-promotional arrangements, direct endorsements and co-projects. This includes the launch of two “social networks” (like, a number of online portals, a number of my client’s products and my own projects.
- Recruit (and even attract) super-affiliates, marketing partners and even JV clients effortlessly – without going out of my way to contact anybody. No, I’m not talking about “mind power” or the “laws of attraction”. Even though some of those things do hold merit in some cases, my system is entirely ACTIONABLE and tangible. Meaning that if you do “X”, your result will be “Y”, and so on…
- Create relationships and negotiate with some of the biggest corporations and “players” imaginable. This includes negotiating with two corporate giants that each employ over 39,000 employees, several massive software companies (one had over 250,000 clients), and a number of supposedly “untouchable” gurus in the internet marketing, business and professional “world”.
I’ve also trained my clients to use this system themselves, and their success rate for closing JV deals has skyrocketed…
This system will work in any industry, any offer and any size of partnership.
Most importantly, this system will work for anyone…
I could probably even train a monkey to do this 🙂
“So What Exactly IS This ‘JV System’, Chris?”
Great question…
Let me show you exactly what it is, and how it’s going to help you…
Imagine Yourself Using These Deadly Weapons to Explode Your Business Exponentially…
Instant JV Success System Action Guide:
- How to completely BYPASS your prospect’s skepticism every time – in fact, if your prospect is a human being, this tactic is guaranteed to work, and your response rate WILL skyrocket just by changing just this one part of your approach…
- A secret method of finding prospects that are already familiar with doing JV’s. If your offer is even remotely interesting, then you could mess up almost everything else and still get a “Yes” if you know how to look for partners (works in every niche)…
- 4 specific (and hard-to-spot) qualities that your partner MUST have. If you do a JV with someone that doesn’t have them, then the deal WILL flop every single time without fail…
- How to stack the cards in your favor from day one just by looking for a business with one simple “sign” that almost nobody ever thinks of – otherwise you’ll spend countless hours in complete frustration if you don’t know this simple “shortcut” to finding more-than-willing JV partners – even if they don’t know you from a hole in the ground…
- How to get a priority audience with even the biggest and wealthiest corporations just by using this one simple (and overlooked) approach – in fact, when you read about a real-life example of this at the end of chapter 2, your jaw will drop to the floor – guaranteed…
- 3 super-simple ways to become instantly “in” with even the most intimidating unresponsive, and hard-to-please prospects – and by the way, 98% of the prospects that could potentially make you rich will almost never even LOOK at your proposal unless they “know” you. These three tactics will almost literally beat them into submission and force them to make you rich – without them even realizing it…
- 2 REAL-LIFE proposals (that I actually use myself, over and over again) that will have your phone ringing off the hook and jam your inbox full of excited replies – even from prospects with massive client lists that have the ability to turn your business from a “bill-payer” into a massive, profit-pulling operation that will support any lifestyle you desire…
- How to Easily turn a “Rejection” into pure GOLD. This devilish little strategy will literally grab even the most negative, nay-saying prospect by the ankles, turn them upside down and make them squeal – often to the point where they either say “Yes” – or better yet, they’ll even endorse your proposal to their own contacts… (you’ll be blown away at how easy, simple and effective this really is)
- One unbelievably powerful “mind-control” secret that you can use every time you contact your prospect that will subliminally cause them to like you – which makes it almost sinfully easy to create one profitable partnership after the next. This ruthless “trick” works almost every time, with absolutely anyone – and it’s so easy to do that even an 8-year-old kid could pull it off effortlessly…
- 6 ultra-crucial elements that MUST be included in your JV proposal – otherwise you might as well just throw your own proposal in the garbage, because if you miss even one of these, then you can rest assured that your prospect will angrily crumple it up an toss it straight in the trash…
- One simple tactic that will force any prospect to read every single word of your JV proposal – and I’ve given a specific “template” example that you can model easily (on page 17)…
- How to make even the richest, most successful and most “untouchable” prospects literally DROOL with anticipation to receive your JV proposal…
- 6 powerful negotiation secrets that will make sure that you don’t get screwed – and that you get every dollar you deserve. It’s surprisingly easy to cheat yourself out of a lot of money if you don’t know what you’re doing when you’re talking numbers with your partner. Especially on the larger deals…
- 4 crucial things you MUST do when you set up any JV. If you don’t do them, you are guaranteed to LOSE money, period. In fact, steps 3 and 4 are so crucial that if you don’t follow them, you might even run into legal trouble…
- The Secret to getting practically ANYONE to joint-venture with you – with a real life example of just how easy and effective this secret really is…
- 7 ways to get build an immediate relationship with almost any company in under 72 hours – and how to turn that “friendship” into a profit-pulling partnership that will stuff cash in your bank account time and time again…
- Why most JV’s only generate a smidgen of the profits that they actually could be earning. You’ll be amazed at how much you can REALLY make when I show you how to easily (and almost effortlessly) increase your profits by anywhere from 100% – 900% (or more), just by setting up the deal a bit differently…
- One mind-blowing fact about subscription products – and how you can easily use this crazy consumer behavior to pull down serious profits every single month just by copying the strategy on page 21…
- The single-most overlooked aspect in any joint venture – and business, for that matter. This single, needless error costs the average business owner (like you) thousands and thousands of dollars every year – if not every month…
- The 3 reasons why most attempted JV’s fall apart at the seams all the time – and how to bypass the fatal mistakes that most marketers make and rattle off one successful JV after the next…
- One simple strategy that will practically force your prospects to do exactly what you want right from the start – making you as much money as possible (see at the bottom of page 34)
- One proven tactic that will prevent your JV’s from falling apart over time, which is sadly what happens to most partnerships…
- How to totally bypass skepticism by using the “intro” letters on page 38 and 39 to set up deals with EASE as a JV Broker – and generate mountains of cash out of thin air just by connecting someone else’s product with another person’s clients…
- Use this never before revealed SECRET to literally target any niche you want and ATTRACT as many JV partners as you can handle – and they’ll actually be the ones coming to you. (No, this isn’t the “law of attraction” – this is an actionable, real-life strategy, and I’ve revealed how easy this is to do on page 45…)
- The biggest SECRET to becoming ultra-successful with JV’s (and in business) by actually working less, reducing your responsibilities and actually enjoying yourself more (see Chapter 11…)
- 2 incredibly desirable ASSETS you already have right now without even realizing it – even if you’re broke, have no experience and no track-record – that even the richest and most successful prospects need desperately – and they WILL gobble up every word of your JV offer if you dangle these “incentives” in front of them…
- One FATAL assumption that you should NEVER make about your prospects – and why this one tiny detail will KILL your offer in 2 seconds flat if you don’t know how to do this correctly…
- 4 extremely effective and highly-secretive online JV tactics that will easily create an instant EXPLOSION of online sales – which will also set in motion an ongoing, self-perpetual momentum of sales, “buzz” and ever-increasing traffic for YEARS to come…
- The BIG SECRET (that nobody’s talking about) to making an absolute killing online with Joint Ventures without really doing that much work – and without spending a single dime…
- One “strategy” that has landed me more JV deals than any other tactic – and it almost made me MAD when I discovered it, because it’s so obvious… (It’s at the bottom of page 66)
- 2 killer profit-pulling JV strategies that you can put in to action in as little as 10 minutes after reading pages 67 – 73. And you don’t need ANYTHING except a computer to do this. You could literally start putting together some insanely profitable deals as early as today if you wanted to, and it would only take about an hour or so to get going with these immediate tactics…
“What’s the Big Deal about Joint Ventures – and WHY would this be good for MY business?” is a short, easy-to-understand mini-report that you can use to educate your potential partners and clients about the incredible power of JV’s – and why they should partner with you…
One of the biggest (and most annoying) obstacle you’ll face are prospects that just have NO idea how powerful and legitimate your JV proposal really is. This “mini-course” will let you use a neutral, non-vested third-party (me) to get your point across – making your offer seem way more believable – and that means more profitable JV’s for you…
You have the right to distribute this document to your potential JV partners.
The “JV Marketing” Agreement is a “boilerplate” template agreement that you can easily modify to make your own JV’s safe, secure and legitimate in a matter of minutes. This is perfect for cross-promotion, product endorsement, co-projects and similar partnerships.
The “JV Broker” Agreement is a “boilerplate” that you can easily modify to protect your hard-earned commissions as a consultant or a JV Broker.
I personally use these agreement templates all the time.
Just imagine how much you’d have to pay an Attorney to draft up even one contract for you…
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