Dr. Dain Heer – Reset of Everything May-15 Teleseries 2
Imagine if you could wake up tomorrow and re-set everything?
The Reset of Everything May-15 Teleseries Part 2 – Calls 7-9
Pre-Requisites: The Reset of Everything May-15 Teleseries Part 1
If you woke up tomorrow with no idea of who you are, who you’ve been or who you are supposed to be … what would you choose? If the rules of this reality no longer applied … what could you create?
Imagine if you could wake up tomorrow and re-set everything?
The projections and expectations from your friends and family … delete.
The limited reality you’ve bought as real … destroy.
All the judgments about you or your body … erase.
The trauma, drama and upset … wiped away.
The earth, this beautiful planet of ours … restart.
Your life, living and future … reset.
What if the very idea that any of the above isn’t possible, that it’s somehow greater than you and what is possible for you to create … is the biggest lie you’ve ever bought? You are an infinite being. You are possibility walking.
You are here to BE that which RESETS everything.
In this new telecall with Dr. Dain Heer, you will be invited to awaken the magic that you’ve always somehow known is possible… What if you have the capacity to reset the basis of this reality and instead create a new reality based on the phenomenance and phantasm that you truly BE?
How does it work?
During this telecall series you will receive hundreds of tools and Access Consciousness processing that will open the door to things that you may have never considered possible. Dr. Dain Heer will work with everyone on the call to create greater possibilities in all areas of life. With each telecall you will receive “homeplay” designed to expand the change that is possible from the 90 minute call. You will also receive an mp3 loop of weekly processes recorded by Dain that you can listen to at night for even deeper change. Anything that is standing in the way of you expressing your true greatness is up for change.
Dr. Dain Heer, Co-Creator of Access Consciousness
Dr. Dain Heer is an internationally renowned speaker and facilitator of consciousness and change. For over 20 years now, Dain has been co-creating Access Consciousness and inviting people worldwide to embrace their true greatness — people from every culture, country, age and social strata of society. Originally trained as a chiropractor, he has a completely different approach to energetic change and healing by facilitating people to tap into and recognize their own capacities, potency and knowing.
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