Dr. Dain Heer – Symphony of Possibilities 17-Apr-20 Repeat Price
Welcome to the Symphony of Possibilities 17-Apr-20 with Dr. Dain Heer!
Are you aware that your capacities with energies are unique? Do you know that the way you resonate with the world is a phenomenal gift? What if you are an orchestrator of all possibilities?
Translated versions available. See details below!
Duration: 4 days
PLUS. . .
You may have noticed that Dr. Dain Heer is well known for his generosity and for going beyond to create ease for all his class participants. Dr. Dain Heer gifted the below audios to live class participants to listen to before this SOP began. He would like you to also have them with your shop purchase so that you may have more ease and knowing before diving into the audios or livestream replay of this class! Enjoy!
- About Creation from ESB Charleston 2019 (2 audios)
- Contribution Conversation from Maestro Class, Rome 2019
- ESB Denver 2019 Day 1 Morning
- Golden Planet Conversation from COP Milan 2019
- Turd Conversation from Maestro Class, Rome 2019
Facilitator: Dr. Dain Heer
Format: Video on Demand and MP3 Get Download
Pre-Requisite for REPEAT PRICING: Attended or purchased a Symphony of Possibilities (SOP) or Maestro class with a start date within the past 12 months.
What is the Symphony of Possibilities?
This class is truly on the creative edge of Access Consciousness. During this 4-day advanced training with Dr. Dain Heer, you will become intimately aware of energies and learn how to truly utilize them to create your life, living and a totally different reality!
What if you are the composer of your reality? What if you have the capacity to be the maestro of change?
For parts of this training, Dain uses the ESB process to show and invite you to an energetic space where miracles can occur – in total ease. For other parts, you will be exploring that energy yourself, while working energetically on people in class, or while being worked on. The simultaneity of gifting and receiving that opens up, expands into universes of possibilities and… oneness.
“The beauty of a possibility is that it’s undefined. “
Is now the time to change the world by your very touch? Is it time to become what you were always meant to be? If yes, then this class may be what you’ve been looking for, for a very long time.
Since my time with you I’ve been running the SOP energy through my body, soul and all my interactions – my world is peaceful and easeful for the first time in all my 50 years!
I too have always been the only one of my kind in the world, but because of the SOP class I am not completely alone in this world. I’m so grateful to be not alone.
Class Deliverables Include:
- Unlimited Video on Demand access (internet connection required)
- MP3 Get Downloads
Translated Languages:
Purchase the English version here and email [email protected] with your purchase receipt or confirmation email to request the downloads in one of these languages:
- French
- German
- Japanese
- Mandarin
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Spanish
- Turkish
Shop support will email the translated files to you.
Delivery Information:
Video on Demand: You will have immediate access to the replay from your Access account dashboard under Media/Video on Demand to watch over and over as many times as you’d like! How does it get any better?
Get Downloads: Upon ordering the English version, a delivery email with download instructions will be sent to you so that you may download your files. You will also be able to access your downloads from your Access account dashboard under My Account/Downloads if you logged in prior to purchase.
Dr. Dain Heer, Co-Creator of Access Consciousness
Dr. Dain Heer is an internationally renowned speaker and facilitator of consciousness and change. For over 20 years now, Dain has been co-creating Access Consciousness and inviting people worldwide to embrace their true greatness — people from every culture, country, age and social strata of society. Originally trained as a chiropractor, he has a completely different approach to energetic change and healing by facilitating people to tap into and recognize their own capacities, potency and knowing.
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Delivery Information
- Upon ordering the product, a delivery email with download instructions will be sent immediately to you so that you may download your files. If you log in (or create an account) prior to purchase you will also be able to access your downloads from your account dashboard.
- It is a digital download, so please download the order items and save them to your hard drive. In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend the new download link to you.
- If you don't receive the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible from 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC+8).
- Please Contact Us if there are any further questions or concerns you may have. We are always happy to assist!
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